The Gaunlet (Rivercrest Park)


February 17, 2025    
5:30 am – 6:15 am


The Gauntlet
13761 Eckel Junction Rd, Perrysburg, Ohio, 43551

Event Type

Bootcamp style workout. Huge AO! 1/2 mile and .9 mile track. 2 Large pieces of playgroup equipment for pullups and hanging exercises. Over half a dozen soccer and lacrosse fields. The possibilities are endless for your Monday beatdowns!

The First Monday of each month will be a Murph workout in honor of Lt. (SEAL) Michael Murphy.

The Gauntlet

2 responses to “The Gaunlet (Rivercrest Park)”

  1. Irish Hoss Avatar
    Irish Hoss

    2/17/25 – Gauntlet

    Grumpy Monkey – Children’s Book Series

    Dr. Hoss’s children book Beatdown series

    2 goals for this initiative. 1 – encourage HIMs to read to/with our 2.0s, and 2 – Bring some books that your 2.0s have outgrown to a Beatdown, and we can donate them to a local library to handout to families.

    Irish Hoss – Q
    Mile High
    Kraut – FNG

    Side straddle hops
    Mosey to Monkey Bars

    Series of 11’s

    Movement 1 / MOT / Movement 2
    Intro : Getting Grumpy
    Ape Hangers / Grumpy Monkey/ Burpee
    Body: Friendly Cheer-up
    Banana Peel / A-skip / Jungle Boy
    Imperial Walkers/ A-skip / Monkey Humpers
    Lesson: Gorilla was able to empathize with Jim Panzee because he was poked by Porcupine and was able to relate to his grumpiness. Not everyone needs cheering up, sometimes it is better to be grumpy together.
    Ended by doing burpees in cadence together- Iron Sharpens Iron especially in the gloom!

    Ended in COT

  2. Mile High Avatar
    Mile High

    Plus two HIMs got in a couple miles before all the monkey business started.
    Mile High and Tarnished (2 More Miles)

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