05272021 The Wall. QIC-Coconut
Space Cowboy, Red Ryder, Flubber, Griffon(2.0), Stark, Spaulding, Huckleberry, Van Gogh, Hazmat, Callahan, Hannibal, Geppetto, Bourbon, Peach, Jennay, Doubtfire, Chopstick (2.0), Turkleton, Leap Year (FNG)Intro–Mission, Core principles, Welcome FNG
Warmups: SSH, Windshield Wipers, Kracken, Chicken Pecker, London Bridge
split pax into two teams (B-L-A-C-K team and S-W-A-M-P team) with team camps where the group needed to complete 500 reps of 5 exercises, making an acrostic with the team name.
Bonnie Blair, London Bridge, American Hammer, Chicken Pecker, Kracken (BLACK). and
SSH, Windshield Wiper, Absolution, Merkin, Pickle Pounder (SWAMP).One team at the top of the wall under the flagpole, other down below. Both teams had to always be sending one runner to scout the other camp (and contribute 10 reps).
Competition to finish all sets and then raid the other team’s camp.
Both teams were able to finish their sets (near the same time) and get about 1/2 way through the other group after switching places.
Spaulding 6. FNG John Usher was named Leap Year.